5 Signs You Might Need a Filling

Cavities are a common dental problem that affects people of all ages, often causing prolonged dental issues. Even those with good oral habits can develop small holes in their teeth. Identifying the problem early and seeking dental care is vital. 

Dental fillings can make the teeth healthy and strong again. It is not always obvious when you have a tooth that requires a filling. Here are some signs indicating that you might need a filling.

You Notice a Cavity

If you notice a tiny hole or cavity in your tooth, you need a filling. Some cavities can be very tiny, making them difficult to detect with the naked eye. But if you notice signs of decay or a dark spot on your tooth, it could be a cavity. Visit a dentist as soon as possible. A rough tooth surface or a hole that you can feel with your tongue requires a filling urgently. 

A Painful Tooth

If your tooth hurts, it is a sign that you need to visit a dentist immediately. This is a common sign of a cavity that may require a filling. Whether the pain comes and goes or it is a consistent ache, it is an indication of a tooth problem. While not all toothaches are caused by cavities, decay leads to cavities, causing pain. If the decay spreads to the tooth pulp, the patient may require a root canal rather than a filling.

A Sensitive Tooth

If you have a sensitive tooth, it is a sign that you may have a cavity and need a filling. When a tooth is sensitive to heat and cold, it may indicate the presence of a cavity. If you are finding it difficult to eat or drink hot or cold food and drinks, you need to visit a dentist. The decay causes the tooth to become more sensitive, allowing cold and heat to penetrate the tooth easily.

Losing a Filling

If you have lost a filling, you need to visit the dentist right away to get a new one. Fillings can sometimes become loose and fall out, especially if they are old. When a tooth loses a filling, it becomes weak and is more susceptible to breaking. Failing to replace the filling in good time can result in the tooth developing decay. Visit the dentist regularly for fillings and other dental works to be checked.

Cracked or Chipped Tooth

A dental filling can be used to repair a cracked or chipped tooth. This will depend on the extent of the damage. The dentist will need to examine the damage to recommend the best treatment option. If the crack or chip is large, a filling may not be suitable.

If you have bad breath or experience a bad taste in your mouth, it may be due to cavities. You need to visit a dentist for fillings. If you need a dental filling, you should make a dental appointment as soon as possible. Filling the cavity while it’s still small can prevent the need for a more extensive and costly procedure.

To know if you need a filling, visit Cal Oaks Dental at our office in Murrieta, California. You can call (951) 501-4900 to schedule an appointment today.

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