What Are the Three Types of Endosteal Implants?

People wear subperiosteal implants or endosteal implants when they lose a tooth. Of the two types, endosteal dental implants are the most common and the most reliable.

Endosteal dental implants are reliable because dentists insert them into the jawbone. They are created from titanium and are of different types. When inserted in the jaw, they peek above the gumline to hold the replacement tooth.

Here are a few more facts you should know about endosteal implants.

Types of Endosteal Implants

There are three main types of endosteal implants that you can get. Your dentist determines the type that you get depending on a few factors. The three main types of endosteal implants are:

·      Threaded or screw types.

·      Smooth or cylinder types.

·      Bladed types.

No matter the type of endosteal implant you receive, they are all safe and permanent.

What Is the Process of an Endosteal Implant?

The process of getting an endosteal implant will happen over several months. Each visit will cater to a different stage of the procedure.

·      Consultation

The first stage of receiving an endosteal dental implant is consultation. During the consultation, the dentists will assess whether you are a good candidate. They may check the area where the tooth is missing or the decayed tooth. You will also discuss the type of anesthesia used during the procedure. Then they will advise you on whether endosteal implants are for you or may suggest another alternative.

·      Bone Grafting and Removal of Damage Tooth

If your tooth is missing, the dentist will proceed with bone grafting if you lack enough bone density. If you have a decayed tooth, this appointment will require you to have the tooth removed. The dentist will administer painless local anesthesia for any of these procedures.

·      Preparing the Jawbone

On this visit, the dentist will first numb you. Then they will make an incision in the gum and start drilling into the jawbone. Once the dentist finishes drilling, they place the metal post in the hole. You will then require time before your next stage to allow the bone to grow on the implant. This process of growing into the implant is called osseointegration.

Osseointegration can take between two and six months before a firm base develops. You may receive a temporary denture to cover the area with the missing tooth.

·      Placing the Abutment

When the implant integrates completely with the bone, the dentist will proceed to attach the abutment. The abutment is the implant part that extends beyond the gumline for the artificial tooth to connect to. Sometimes, the dentist can place the abutment during the jawbone preparation.

·      Preparing for the Crown

The next step is creating the crown and attaching it to the abutment. The dentists will take your mouth's impression to prepare a crown to fit the abutment. They will design the crown to fit in and look like your natural teeth. You may get a removable or permanent crown, depending on what you discuss with your dentist.

For more on teeth whitening, visit Cal Oaks Dental at our Murrieta, California office. Call (951)501-4900 to schedule an appointment today.

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