Why Consider Dental Bonding

Are you happy with the appearance of your teeth? Do you have imperfections in your teeth that tend to embarrass you? If so, dental bonding, also known as tooth bonding, may be the perfect solution for your problems. If you have a chipped, cracked, or discolored tooth, dental bonding can give you the confidence to smile.


What Is Dental Bonding?


This is a dental procedure involving the application of a tooth-colored resin material to one or more teeth to repair imperfections or damage. It is simpler and considerably less expensive than most other cosmetic dental procedures, such as veneers and crowns. In most cases, it does not require anesthesia unless your dentist is filling a cavity as well. Better still, it does not require multiple dental appointments.


How It Works


Your dentist will need to choose the right resin color. Afterward, he/she will roughen the surface of your tooth and then apply a special liquid designed to adhere the bonding agent to the tooth. The dentist will then apply the composite resin over the liquid and then shape or mold it. Finally, they will use ultraviolet light to harden the material. If necessary, your dentist may further shape the repaired tooth after the composite resin material hardens.


Why You Should Consider Dental Bonding


You should show off your pearly whites. Your teeth are one of the first things other people notice about your appearance. You do not have to live with cracked, chipped, or crooked teeth. Thanks to modern dental technology, wonderful treatments exist that can fix an imperfection or defect within a tooth. Some of the reasons you should consider dental bonding include:


It Is More Affordable


As stated earlier, the cost of undergoing dental bonding is considerably less expensive than most other dental treatment and cosmetic options. However, the amount you end up paying will depend on the type of problem and the number of teeth that need treatment. Also, since the procedure does not require multiple dental visits, you will save more time and money.


It Is a Versatile Treatment Option


You can undergo this treatment as both a cosmetic or restorative dental treatment. It can repair minor cracks or chips, make a small tooth look longer, and improve the look of irregularly shaped teeth. Dental bonding can also repair tooth decay, brighten discolored teeth, and fill small gaps between your teeth.


It Is a Conservative Treatment Option


If you are looking for a treatment that will not affect your natural tooth structure, dental bonding is the way to go. Other dental treatments such as veneers require the elimination of some of the natural structures of a tooth.


Natural Looking, Beautiful Results


The best dental restoration treatment should restore the function and health of your tooth. It should also deliver beautiful results that blend in well with your smile. Dental bonding can achieve both of these goals. It is especially effective in fixing imperfections in one or more of your front teeth.


To learn more about dental bonding or to schedule an appointment, call Cal Oaks Dental at our office in Murrieta, California at (951) 501-4900 today.

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